Thursday, June 30, 2011

independent colleges

February 16, 2004, sent a letter to the Ministry of Education to teach [2004] No. 20 approved to China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) Wuhan Public Bond with Dragon Technology Development Co., Ltd. to River City School of China University of Geosciences pilot. River City College for two independent colleges, faculty and administered by the China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) responsible for enrollment plan issued by the Hubei arrangements. March 20, 2004, River City Academy's new campus construction plan to obtain accreditation by Wuhan Planning Bureau. According to the plan, a total area of ​​1000 acres River City College, 470 million investment, construction area of ​​336,000 square meters. April 12, 2004, River City School of China University of Geosciences first meeting of the first session of the Board in China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) Reception Center on the 3rd lab meeting. The meeting elected the Song would like to River City School of China University of Geosciences chairman, vice chairman Ouyang Jianping, Zhou Daren, as Jinhua, Bike Cheng, Cheng Daohua, ZHU wide as a director; meeting discussed and approved the "River City School of China University of Geosciences Board of the Constitution" and "River City School of China University of Geosciences charter." July 14, 2004, the CPC Party School of China University of Geosciences River City was formally established. China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) Hao Xiang party secretary, deputy party secretary Fuan Zhou, deputy party secretary Zhu Qin Wen and other leaders to be congratulated. September 2004, the success of River City University Admissions, welcomed the first students in 2245, students to students, including Hubei, Shanxi, Shandong, Hainan, Xinjiang, the country more than 20 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, the disciplines of business administration, civil engineering, computer science and technology, foreign languages, 28 of the specialist professional. November 5, 2004 to 6, the first River City Academy Games a success. College students active sports arena, showing a good mental outlook. December 5, 2004, Department of Higher Education Assessment Director to bring the China division at the Don Dean, assessment centers, personnel hand- River City School of China University of Geosciences College Pro, the faculty reviews to assess. Inspection team of the college teaching fully affirmed. In December 2004, China Institute of Education Association awarded "China's leading independent Higher School of" honor. School performance and educational level of college by the wide public acclaim. 

mostwelcomed by students

Bi-rong, tutor; Systems Engineering Society of China Science and Systems Engineering Committee. Bi-wing president, Professor Department of Bi-based course is mainly engaged in economic management-wing professor of Mathematics and econometrics teaching and research. From teaching 30 years, consistent dedication, exercise self-discipline, rigorous scholarship to Germany to promote education, continue to explore the summary form with its own characteristics, such as "feeding style" and "KAP" approach and the like; won many schools, the hospital level, "the mostwelcomed by students of the teacher, "" Teaching Excellence "and" outstanding scientific and technological activities college instructor "and so on. Team to guide students, Chinese students have been awarded the "Challenge Cup" Competition National Award 2, Hubei University, "Challenge Cup" Competition first prize 3. Bi-wing main areas of research professor of science and technology statistics and education for sustainable development, published more than 20 papers, a textbook editor. As the main backbone and sub-project leader to complete the four provincial-level research projects, teaching school presided over and completed research projects 2. Zeng Yuan Zeng Yuan, 1942, 1967, graduated from Wuhan University Chinese Department, in 1982 graduated from the basic course the Chinese Ministry of Professor Zeng Qingyuan China University of Languages, Bachelor of Arts degree. Assigned to the same year, Wuhan University, Research Department of Chinese literary theory taught.Former deputy director of Wuhan University, Department of Chinese, Chinese Marxist Literary Theory Research Association, Research on Chinese and foreign directors. Professor Zeng Qingyuan long-term basic research in literary theory, in scientific research work, encourage each other to make their voices heard, on the basis of some major theoretical issues of literature and art made very personal and creative views.Major academic works include "tragedy" theory, "Review of modern Western literary and artistic trend," "socialism with Chinese literature, foreign cultures," "Literary Theory", has also published dozens of papers. The "tragedy" theory is the first systematic study of this important question of aesthetics monograph. "School cultural theory" to build up their own theoretical framework, is called the critics "of Marxist literary theory is an important contribution," "the new era of representative works of literary aesthetic one." Professor Zeng Qingyuan is currently teaching at River City School of China University of Geosciences Department of the basic course, the editor of the "higher language" distinctive, has been fond of. Professor Zeng Qingyuan teaching experience, the multi-interactive teaching methods by students welcome.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


:、"味の権利を"食べるために学校のカフェテリアで感じ、ボス自身が"テレビではいろいろな生演奏"...部屋全体が先生王は言ったわずか8平方メートルの単一の四半期の8平方メートル約昨晩入院我々は学生寮を準備している前に"まあ、私は部屋で人を聞いた後に来て、かなり満足の家が少し小さいと、条件ができる、小さな点のベッドであることを想像する、私たちの家族のベッドには、2.1メートル× 2メートルであり、そして今本当にこの小さなベッドには使用されません。" 昨日、資産数億で収集した30の退役軍人、清華大学は、12日間のクローズドエンド型のフルタイムの授業を受け入れるようになった。これは、特にオーダーメイド研修"浙江省草の根"のために、非公有経済のための最初の訓練基地を設立し、清華大学、浙江省の人事部です。 民間の起業家の地域の担当で浙江省人事部の人によると、農民はそのうちの70%だけとして知られている中学校の教育、下に、ほぼ80%だった"草の根浙江。"もちろんオープニングは、特に"草の根浙江"オーダーメイドのための非公共経済の清華大学の訓練基地に設立された人事の地方の省、です。年間当たり少なくとも2つのコースが、浙江省政府の資金による授業、12日間42時間百万円、参加者自身で宿泊施設と生活費。

"Форбс" часопіс

Па статыстыцы, большасць канцэнтрацыя мільярдэраў скончыў невялікая колькасць амерыканскіх каледжах, Гарварда, Стэнфорда і іншых універсітэтаў у цягніку 20 ліку мільярдэраў склала 469 з якіх 52% з пакінутых 48% ад ў 182 розных універсітэтах. У чым жа прычына невялікай колькасці спецыяльных інстытутаў, каб стаць багатым фабрыка? "Форбс" часопіс аналізу, у першую чаргу, гэта вельмі высокі ўзровень універсітэцкага адукацыі, у дадатак да поспеху старых студэнтаў і выпускнікоў, каб забяспечыць шырокі спектр асабістых адносін, якія спрыяюць іх будучага развіцця кар'еры. Гэтыя школы былі пэўныя прафесійныя школы больш шанцаў на развіццё высокіх даходаў, такіх як бізнес-школы і тэхнічнай экспертызы даследаванняў. Універсітэт ад 27 найбагацейшых Пенсільваніі выпускнікоў, 20 былі дапушчаныя да знакамітай школе Wharton. Google сузаснавальнікі Сяргей Брын і Лары Пэйдж таксама выпускнік камп'ютэрнага аддзела навукі Стэнфардскага універсітэта. Часопіс таксама прааналізавалі, які зрабіў багатымі вядомых вядомых каледжы або універсітэце прафесійнага хуткасць прыняцця з'яўляецца вельмі нізкім, як правіла, менш за 30%, што гарантуе допуск да студэнтаў высокай якасці. Заняў шостае месца ў Прынстанскім універсітэце, студэнт рэгістрацыі вельмі строга, толькі 10% заяўнікаў прадастаўляецца. Гэта будзе асаблівую ўвагу на ўваходных поплаткаў каледжа ў навучэнцаў сярэдняй школы, якія паказалі патэнцыял, напрыклад, цяпер мільярдэр, ІТ медыя-гіганта Патрык Макговэрн ў пяцідзесятых гадах мінулага стагоддзя быў вучнем сярэдняй школы можа стварыць свідравіны, каб выйграць праграмнага забеспячэння кампутарнай гульні, у выніку чаго увагу Масачусецкага тэхналагічнага інстытута, а таксама дае стыпендыі для Макговэрн. 

"Форбс" часопіс

Па статыстыцы, большасць канцэнтрацыя мільярдэраў скончыў невялікая колькасць амерыканскіх каледжах, Гарварда, Стэнфорда і іншых універсітэтаў у цягніку 20 ліку мільярдэраў склала 469 з якіх 52% з пакінутых 48% ад ў 182 розных універсітэтах. У чым жа прычына невялікай колькасці спецыяльных інстытутаў, каб стаць багатым фабрыка? "Форбс" часопіс аналізу, у першую чаргу, гэта вельмі высокі ўзровень універсітэцкага адукацыі, у дадатак да поспеху старых студэнтаў і выпускнікоў, каб забяспечыць шырокі спектр асабістых адносін, якія спрыяюць іх будучага развіцця кар'еры. Гэтыя школы былі пэўныя прафесійныя школы больш шанцаў на развіццё высокіх даходаў, такіх як бізнес-школы і тэхнічнай экспертызы даследаванняў. Універсітэт ад 27 найбагацейшых Пенсільваніі выпускнікоў, 20 былі дапушчаныя да знакамітай школе Wharton. Google сузаснавальнікі Сяргей Брын і Лары Пэйдж таксама выпускнік камп'ютэрнага аддзела навукі Стэнфардскага універсітэта. Часопіс таксама прааналізавалі, які зрабіў багатымі вядомых вядомых каледжы або універсітэце прафесійнага хуткасць прыняцця з'яўляецца вельмі нізкім, як правіла, менш за 30%, што гарантуе допуск да студэнтаў высокай якасці. Заняў шостае месца ў Прынстанскім універсітэце, студэнт рэгістрацыі вельмі строга, толькі 10% заяўнікаў прадастаўляецца. Гэта будзе асаблівую ўвагу на ўваходных поплаткаў каледжа ў навучэнцаў сярэдняй школы, якія паказалі патэнцыял, напрыклад, цяпер мільярдэр, ІТ медыя-гіганта Патрык Макговэрн ў пяцідзесятых гадах мінулага стагоддзя быў вучнем сярэдняй школы можа стварыць свідравіны, каб выйграць праграмнага забеспячэння кампутарнай гульні, у выніку чаго увагу Масачусецкага тэхналагічнага інстытута, а таксама дае стыпендыі для Макговэрн. Цяпер, уласны капітал Макговэрн дасягнуў $ 4,7 млрд.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Louis Vuitton bags third

12 foreign banks wastage rate of over 20%

Survey, participation of foreign banks access to Louis Vuitton bags respondents agreed that staff salaries will increase in 2011, more than half of respondents believe that wages rose by more than 10%. Despite Louis Vuitton bags general rise in wages, but foreign banks have encountered Louis Vuitton bags phenomenon of brain drain on Louis Vuitton bags rise. Participating in Louis Vuitton bags survey feedback of 38 foreign banks, 12 foreign banks in 2010 turnover rate of more than 20%. Louis Vuitton bags forecast for this year, 18 banks are expected turnover rate will reach 15% or more, eight banks are expected turnover rate of 20% or higher. Inflation, and business development skills shortage is Louis Vuitton bags main reason for employee turnover.

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Information Times reporter Feng Yuan

Related Links

Foreign banks face two major opportunities

PwC survey, Louis Vuitton bags internationalization of RMB and foreign bank bond market is Louis Vuitton bags future market opportunities facing Louis Vuitton bags two. Foreign banks interviewed predicted Louis Vuitton bags yuan fully convertible need 5 to 10 years. PricewaterhouseCoopers partner in charge of China's financial services industry Yung Wen said that with Louis Vuitton bags internationalization of Louis Vuitton bags RMB has been gradually implemented, foreign banks will achieve more business opportunities for growth. In addition, Louis Vuitton bags bond market by foreign banks as Louis Vuitton bags biggest areas of future opportunity. Debt capital markets over Louis Vuitton bags past three years were in Louis Vuitton bags forefront in 2011, came in second place is Louis Vuitton bags currency swap, Louis Vuitton bags third interest rate swap.

Louis Vuitton bags study also shows that an estimated 22 banks in 2011 revenue increased 20% to 50%, of which three banks of 50% to 100%; three banks increased 100%, an increase of 200% of banks, a banks increased 300%, is expected to remain strong in 2014 will increase.

Louis Vuitton bags survey

Recently, Louis Vuitton bags world's largest accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, four to release Louis Vuitton bags latest report, "foreign banks in China." Louis Vuitton bags survey visit to Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Shenzhen, 42 foreign banks, Louis Vuitton bags CEO and senior executives. Survey, as of Louis Vuitton bags end of 2010, 127 foreign banks' total assets reached 1.7 trillion yuan, accounting for 1.83% of total bank assets, up 29% over Louis Vuitton bags previous year. But higher than in 2004 (just go to China) accounted for 1.84% of assets 0.01% is also less, however, foreign banks still have enthusiasm for Louis Vuitton bags Chinese market, participating in Louis Vuitton bags survey of 42 foreign banks is still clear that they are in Louis Vuitton bags Chinese market. "firmly. "

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Investigation report, as foreign banks financing restrictions on Louis Vuitton bags environment increasing, slowing Louis Vuitton bags pace of Louis Vuitton bags bank's growth, leading to its share of total Chinese banking market is difficult to be increased dramatically. This year, visiting 42 foreign banks, 75% of Louis Vuitton bags respondents refer to Louis Vuitton bags mainland tightening liquidity has affected Louis Vuitton bags performance of their loans, many financial institutions raised Louis Vuitton bags deposit reserve ratio for Louis Vuitton bags impact of foreign banks will also appear. In addition, Louis Vuitton bags interpretation and implementation of certain laws and regulations in different cities expressed concern about inconsistencies in Louis Vuitton bags implementation. Respondents believe that Louis Vuitton bags future market share will not change significantly, unless Louis Vuitton bags regulatory rules be relaxed to some extent.

However, participating in Louis Vuitton bags survey of 42 foreign banks is still clear that foreign banks in China as Louis Vuitton bags pace of expansion is still faster than its domestic market, and therefore their prospects for Louis Vuitton bags Chinese market is still generally optimistic and "firm." Louis Vuitton bags report shows that currently 40 foreign banks have set up within Louis Vuitton bags corporate banking, foreign banks accounted for 87%. 2014, is expected 45 to 50 foreign banks set up within Louis Vuitton bags corporate bank

Thursday, June 23, 2011

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A nurse walked in to go up, tie a black-tailed hair, it is very youthful, some thin face, a pair of eye black and white, sip into an arc mouth, face some serious, age is not large, can is very young look.

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

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Over herve leger dress years, several cities have introduced policies to restrict electric bicycle, afraid someday Beijing to follow suit. "Riding a bike to work every day, Xu Zheng frankly, having read so many policies, it seems that no clear bike" guilty of "." Since herve leger dress state allows herve leger dress production and sales of goods, how can you say ban it ban it? "

For questions, Shenzhen City Public Security Bureau and Exchange Commission's explanation is that electric bikes on herve leger dress road there is a serious security risk. Shenzhen released data show that nearly three years, herve leger dress electric bicycle accidents were rising sharply every year, has caused 152 deaths and 685 injuries.

For this explanation, Ni Jie as herve leger dress electric car producer, did not agree.

"Electric bicycle road safety situation in herve leger dress trend of improvement." Jie Ni analysis, first, herve leger dress electric bicycle ownership is much higher than herve leger dress increase in herve leger dress number of accidents increases. 2009 compared to 2004, herve leger dress national electric bicycle accident caused by an increase of 6.244 times herve leger dress number of deaths, but this eight-year tenure of electric bicycles increased by 8 times. Second, herve leger dress electric bicycle million cars mortality decline. In 2004, China's electric bike to maintain about 15 million, 589 traffic deaths, mortality rate of 0.39 million vehicles; 2009, although herve leger dress death toll to 3678, but electric bicycle ownership has increased to 120 million vehicles, herve leger dress cars but mortality decreased to 0.31.

"Traffic accidents involving electric bicycle, also possible that herve leger dress motor vehicle responsibility. And herve leger dress rise in herve leger dress absolute number of deaths, and traffic management may also be relevant, should not put all herve leger dress blame to herve leger dress electric bike." Jie Ni said.

Retention of herve leger dress electric bicycle on what merits and demerits of it?

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"Ban" due to reduced efficiency, may also push up herve leger dress cost of herve leger dress consumer society as a whole. Shenzhen Yuantong company for Xie Yimin said that in herve leger dress bike before herve leger dress cut-off line in Shenzhen, herve leger dress Shenzhen branch Yuantong Company and its subsidiaries are 90% of herve leger dress use of electric bicycle courier to send items to complete herve leger dress task collection. "Now herve leger dress city forbidding electric bicycle, you can switch to other modes of transport in order to guarantee herve leger dress timeliness, many companies will hire, herve leger dress cost is certainly want to add these costs in addition to self-digestion part, it will probably transfer to herve leger dress consumer part of. "

"So many people rely on electric bicycles to make a living, there are so many people indirectly enjoy herve leger dress convenience of electric bikes, electric bikes can be seen that herve leger dress line should not be banned, not just a simple road safety issues, service development, but also a very serious herve leger dress people's livelihood. "Luyuan electric bicycle manufacturers Ni Jie, chairman, said," For such a serious problem, not to herve leger dress Shenzhen Municipal Government a manufacturer of electric bicycle safety research, two did not hold hearings, said herve leger dress ban a ban, we can only say sorry. "

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Motorcycle safety problems, herve leger dress problem is , people's problems, but also management issues

Although herve leger dress bike "ban" is effective in Shenzhen, but with three million motorcycles in Chengdu, 3.5 million motorcycles in Shanghai, one million motorcycles Hangzhou ... ... bike affects herve leger dress fate of many sensitive nerve .